Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I mentioned to Mr. Honey at lunch today that I have dealings at work occasionally with this guy who's just an ass. But when I assured Mr. Honey that he's in no way ever been as much of an ass as this guy, Mr. Honey got offended. So that made me wonder, what's with men and being asses?
So then I realized it's a recurring theme in my life. Sort of. See, in my current wip, I've thought about having my hero mention to my heroine that all guys who are asses know that they're asses, and they're generally proud of it. But why is this?
Is it a guy thing to be an ass? Is it a sign of their machoness that they can be the biggest ass on the block? I think there should be a law that if your personality has too much ass, your body shouldn't be allowed any. Er, any good-looking ass, that is. I wouldn't mind if more asses had asses as big as their ass-egos. Then you could see them coming.
For the record, yes, Mr. Honey can be an ass. But overall he's a great guy, and I accept the ass-ness because his good qualities outweight the assy qualities. But I suppose I should ask for Mr. Honey's sake that you not tell any of his friends that I told you so. Might ruin his ass-putation.
Posted by Honey :: 1:25 PM :: 3 Comments: ![]()