Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Found a new bosom buddy
Last night, I went to a new (to me) Bunco club. It's been over a decade since I last played, so I'd forgotten all the rules, but I haven't really made any new friends since we moved, so I figured it was time to get out and be social. In the end, it was a darn good thing I did, because I found some women that I really think I'm going to click with.
What clued me in? The drool conversation.
It started after we'd finished playing and were walking out toward our cars to go home. The lady I was walking with commented that she was beat, and I realized, for the first time in months, I didn't feel beat. I felt positively energetic, and in a bit of shock over the revelation, I told her so. At the time, I blamed the four cookies I'd eaten (more sugar than I usually get in a week these days, thanks to mini-Mr. Honey zapping me of my sugar and chocolate cravings), but thinking back on it now, it was probably the human interaction.
So my new friend started laughing and said, "Oh, you're gonna crash hard in an hour. I'd be drooling in my pillow."
I nodded and said, "Oh, yeah, that's a given. Especially the drooling part." My new friend started laughing harder, because really, who shares such personal information the first time you meet somebody? So I decided to take it a step farther, because, well, it's what I do.
"But you know what my favorite thing to do is?" I said. "My favorite thing to do is to wait until my husband gets out of bed, then roll over and let it all go on his pillow."
At this point, my new friend is still giggling hysterically, but a woman behind us just gasped. "I'm sorry, excuse me," she said, "but are you talking about farting?"
By the time we'd all picked ourselves up off the floor, I was fairly certain I'd found the group of people I'm supposed to hang out with for the next 18 months. Hooray for new friends!Labels: friends, sometimes you just don't want to know
Posted by Honey :: 9:51 AM :: 5 Comments: ![]()