Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
Or Happy Ho-lloween, depending on how skimpy your costume may be. :)
Tonight Mr. Honey and I will don last-minute costumes and sit out on our driveway with our neighbors, waiting for all 15 of the kids that we anticipate. It's sad, really - 3 years ago, when we moved here, we probably had 200 trick-or-treaters. If I recall correctly, we had to shut down early because we ran out of candy. I learned for the next year, but in the past 2 years, many neighbors have moved away, and no one has moved in to take their place. So in our nice, safe neighborhood, we have fewer kids who live there, and even fewer who come from other places to trick-or-treat at our house. It makes me sad.
As such, Mr. Honey and I haven't done much in the way of preparations.
Costumes? Er, not so much yet.
Candy? 5 bags, still unopened. (It's a miracle!)
Jack-o-lantern? Yep, the foam pumpkins Mr. Honey carved the past couple years, complete with flickering candle lights. No new ones this year. (I apologize for the lack of pictures - I haven't stolen Mr. Honey's laptop to look for 2004 and 2003 pumpkins - the 2005 pumpkin pics had bad lighting.)
President coming to town and disrupting flow of traffic to the neighborhood? Check.
Tune in tomorrow, when we discuss how Honey will be avoiding the 4.5 bags of leftover candy. Or how one kid got very, very lucky.
Posted by Honey :: 7:25 AM :: 3 Comments: ![]()