Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Trials of Short(er) Hair
When I had my long hair, I didn't get it cut very often. And honestly, nobody noticed. When you have 65 cubic feet of hair, nobody says, "Oh, the ends are split. You should get that taken care of." So I'd go and get it trimmed about once a year, maybe twice if there was some fancy event that made it worthwhile. Now, however, I've had 3 haircuts within 5 months, and this last one was overdue. I could tell because I'd started to feel like a shaggy dog.
Last night I went to the beauty school for some hair maintenance. I know some people can go years, decades even, without finding someone who gives a good haircut. And I know some people are cringing at the thought of going to a beauty school and letting somebody without much experience hack at their hair. I lucked out. Mr. Honey knew somebody who decided to go to beauty school, and I took a chance two months ago and went to the school to have her layer my hair. I didn't realize at the time that I was her first real head of hair, but I've never regretted the decision to trust her, and I was happy to go back to her last night.
And again, not disappointed at all. Thrilled, actually. We took it a little shorter than what it was last time, and she trimmed more in back to take some of the massive volume out of it, and then... Then I let her dry my hair.
Since my hair is so curly, and since I prefer to not spend a lot of time on it, and because it'll do whatever it darn well pleases regardless of how much time and effort I might put into making it cute, I usually wash it, comb it, and head out the door with a wet head and let everything dry on its own schedule. So I didn't know how my hair would look when presented with a blow-dryer after losing another inch and a half or so. When all was said and done, I thought it looked fantastic. It had volume, but it complimented my face rather than speaking for my whole head. And it had the layers that gave it a look of actually having been thought about and styled, rather than just letting it dry in a wind tunnel and having weird pieces sticking up and scaring the kittens. I felt like a million bucks.
And then I went home.
And then Mr. Honey got home from his boy scout meeting.
And he made a face. "You look like--nevermind."
"I look like what?" Since I got my hair shortened last June, Mr. Honey and I agree that it's cute short, but how short is still up for debate. Also up for debate is straight vs. curly. He loves the curls and thinks anything straight makes me look like I'm trying to be Jennifer Aniston.
"No, it's nothing," Mr. Honey said.
"I love it, so whatever you're going to say won't change my mind."
Mr. Honey shrugged. "It looks like a helmet."
I knew I should've washed it out before he got home. :)
Posted by Honey :: 8:33 AM :: 4 Comments: ![]()