Friday, April 13, 2007
Happy Friday!
It has come to the attention of the Honey Daily News that today is an official world holiday: "Blame Someone Else Day." The Honey Daily News decided to create this holiday when the theme of the day became clear, around 8:14 AM Eastern Time, when the man with no eyebrows insisted that he had, too, turned in the temporary badge he borrowed last week, when there is no record of the badge's return and no badge to prove his claim, which led to the declaration that it must be the poor receptionist's temporary replacement who was to blame, because of course it couldn't be the fault of the man with no eyebrows that the badge he borrowed has not yet been returned to its proper place, nor could it be the fault of the receptionist, as she was away vacationing and having a monumental time during the time of the disappearance of the badge.
However, upon performing a bit of research, the Honey Daily News has discovered that not only had Someone Else already invented "Blame Someone Else Day," but it is, in actuality, occurring today.
The Honey Daily News interviewed several witnesses to this morning's definitive example of Blame Someone Else Day, and all reported it was someone else's fault that the man with no eyebrows had somehow discovered this obscure holiday and used it to his advantage. The Honey Daily News knows better, however. For some people, every day is Blame Someone Else Day.
Today, though, the Honey Daily News will blame the pollen, and the creepiness factor of inventing a holiday on a day on which it has already been invented, for its desire to take the rest of the day off and ponder the strange coincidences of life.
Coincidences, by the way, are always someone else's fault.Labels: Holidays, Honey Daily News
Posted by Honey :: 9:21 AM :: 3 Comments: ![]()