Thursday, June 22, 2006
I'm making progress on my new WIP, spurred on by a challenge issued at the Alphabet Girls. So that means more time living in my head and less time making weird observations about the habits of winged things and mushroom heads. At least, that's how I feel today. So I figured I'd share with you some things I've found moderately entertaining over the past couple days.
First up: House Plans
I've got this itch to paint my walls yellow, but Mr. Honey and I have a move coming up in about a year. No reason to paint walls now when I'd just have to re-do them before the big move. So I'll satisfy my cravings with looking at different types of houses. (Plus it's good for research)
Next: Lunar Year spurs Wedding Boom in Korea
Who knew it was a great year to get married? Better hurry - next year's no good, with year of the widow coming up next. Huh... I better warn Mr. Honey's best man, who just got engaged over the weekend.
Are you kidding me?: Stealing isn't stealing when it comes to office supplies, according to Generation Y
Some time back, I worked for a company that would buy donuts for business meetings with people from outside the company. Normal procedure, right? Okay, so it's maybe not as prolific as it used to be, but it happens. At this place I worked, there just happened to be a man in management considered by many to be "stingy" because he didn't like that practice. When he left the company, the new rule was, if visitors got donuts, so did everyone in the building. That's great. Except I'd rather see a profit sharing check in my bank account than 10 extra pounds on my hips. Just my opinion.
Well, whaddya know?: New York named Friendliest City
I'll be darned. That's all I've got to say about that.
And finally: Fashion Kills, and Fashion Kills Again
I may be a mushroom head who doesn't know the right season for linen and can't tell the difference between a Manolo and a Nine West, but at least I'm comfortable. I heart my pajama pants and sneakers.
What've you spied recently?
Posted by Honey :: 11:14 AM :: 1 Comments: ![]()