Monday, June 26, 2006
Peached Out
It's Monday again, which means I survived the weekend. *snort* Okay, so it really means I've got another week to get through before the next weekend, but it's looking like it'll be a fabulous weekend, topped off by only having a 3-day work week next week. That's something to cheer about.
I started my weekend in a bottle of wine, and ended it with peach gunk in places I didn't even think possible. The middle's kind of a relaxed, dazed-out blur, as is appropriate for a Saturday that includes such memorable events as watching Old School (nearly forgot the name of that one for a minute there) and Elektra, along with 4.5 episodes of Battlestar Galactica with Mr. Honey and some neighbor-friends.
First the wine on Friday night. Mr. Honey and I had a cookout with neighbors that we don't hang out with nearly enough. I made a blueberry crisp. Mr. Honey made homemade ice cream. The neighbors made fabulous mashed potatoes, incredible frozen mozzerella bread, and salad fixings that Mr. Honey put together for me. (Salads and sandwiches are two items this domestic goddess cannot make. Long story.) We grilled steak and drank wine. A lot of wine. I found out I'm a loud drunk. And I talk really fast when I'm drunk, too. So fast, and so much, in fact, that the people around me feel the need to take a couple extra breaths since I don't seem to be doing that myself. But it was fun, and I've officially earned the title of "Intergalactic Princess" in the neighborhood now. (Mr. Honey does not find this nearly as amusing as I, but I must say, if I'm going to get drunk with people, it's fun to be drunk with people who don't read my blog and therefore don't know about the whole intergalactic princess dream.)
Then with the peaches yesterday. They weren't ripe enough for my standards until yesterday, which is part of the reason I didn't do anything with them on Saturday. Well, that and the fact that I felt like a lazy bum and just didn't want to do it on Saturday. So it was actually convenient that they weren't ripe enough until yesterday.
The peach canning commenced about 10 AM. All in all, I have 25 peaches left out of a box of 25 pounds of peaches. Most of those are now in the form of peach jam, and a couple were pureed with some almond extract and cinnamon, and just a tad bit of sugar to taste, and made into peach butter. Mr. Honey took me out to lunch between batches of peaches, where I discovered I'd smeared sticky stuff next to my eye. Last night when I'd retired my peach-jamming supplies for the evening, I discovered jam in my hair. But never fear - the modern miracle of indoor plumbing means I'm clean and peach-free this morning. Er, you know what I mean.
Happy Monday!
Posted by Honey :: 11:25 AM :: 4 Comments: ![]()