Monday, August 07, 2006
Mexican Allergy?
I think I'm allergic to Mexican food. I had it for lunch today and it's causing the most distressing sort of side effect. No, wait, don't run away! That's not what I mean. I mean I've got the hiccups.
Have you ever had Mexican hiccups? It's like a normal hiccup, except you kinda taste chips and salsa along with them. Mine weren't caused by Mexican jumping beans, unless the waiter slipped a little something extra into my taco and rice.
I wouldn't have gone out for lunch today if it wasn't for the guest of honor - a man Mr. Honey has worked with for almost two years is moving, and today was his going-away lunch. I'd guesstimate 40 people showed up, which was fantastic. :) It's always nice to know you've had an impact on the people you work with. I wonder how many of them are suffering from the hiccups now?
Please excuse me now. I have to raid my desk drawer for my hiccup cure, which won't be easy to swallow on a stomach full of Mexican food. Does peanut butter mix well with tacos, rice, chips, and salsa? Guess I'm about to find out. :)
Posted by Honey :: 1:33 PM :: 3 Comments: ![]()