Friday, June 30, 2006
I got home yesterday and found our front door wide open. Usually this means Mr. Honey has gotten home before me. But his car wasn't in the driveway, and it wasn't in the carport, and it wasn't on the street. So I assumed that either Mr. Honey had been forced to park somewhere far away for some strange reason, or he'd run out for just a minute and left the door open. We do that sometimes because we live in just about the safest neighborhood you can find and still have neighbors.
So I parked my car in the carport, went inside, and hollered a greeting to Mr. Honey. When he didn't answer, I went looking. Mr. Honey was nowhere to be found. So I went with the theory that he'd run out for a quick errand and would be home shortly, and I settled into my nightly routine. Five or ten minutes later, Mr. Honey got home. It took me half a second to realize he'd just gotten home from work. So I asked if he'd been home a little bit ago and run back out. He got this weird look on his face and said no. So then I asked if he'd come home for lunch. He looked at me kinda funnier and said no again.
I told him the door was open when I got home from work. You know the routine: Stand feet shoulder-width apart, plant fists on hips, cock the head, and give him "The Look" that relays the message that He Screwed Up. (Even if we do live in a safe neighborhood, we don't leave the door open all day long.) And then it dawns on me. He left for work half an hour before I did this morning.
So I retract my accusatory stance, stare down at my feet, and say meekly, "Uh, mumble mumble mumble?"
And he says, with head cocked and injured look on his face, "Yes, you were the last one to leave the house this morning."
So I say, "Mumble mumble mumble."
And since he's the bigger person, he forgave me.
Let's hope today I pay attention when I leave the house.
Posted by Honey :: 7:53 AM :: 2 Comments: ![]()