Thursday, July 06, 2006
Hooked on Pirates!
One of the most interesting turn of events over the weekend happened when my friend Chessie introduced me to Sid Meier's Pirates! All of a sudden, little old me who rolls my eyes whenever I walk into the office and spy Mr. Honey playing some silly computer game, wants to buy a new desktop computer system to hook up to our bigscreen TV so we can play Pirates at home. Quite appropriate, considering Pirates of the Caribbean II comes out this weekend, don't you think?
This game rocks. There's plundering and pillaging and cannonball fights between ships on the high seas. You can sword fight with the captain of the ships you attack, then go into port and dance with governors' daughters. Chessie recommends the French governors' daughters. They're hot. But aside from the fighting and dancing, there's sailing and hidden treasure and rival pirates and vengeance and reuniting with long-lost relatives. I had a blast. And twice this weekend I woke up to find Mr. Honey already up and playing Pirates while the rest of the house slept. I suspect the only issue we'll have with our plan is that only one of us will be able to play at a time. Garrrr!
Posted by Honey :: 8:42 AM :: 2 Comments: ![]()