Wednesday, July 05, 2006
That'd be quite a sight
Mr. Honey and I spent the weekend visiting friends in Florida, which of course meant we made another trip to our favorite Greek place in Pensacola yesterday, the Hip Pocket Deli. We had a 3-pound meatball sub for lunch, and yes, there were leftovers. Have you ever seen a 3-pound meatball sub? It's huge. Like bigger than my head huge. Like I didn't have the strength to lift it to my mouth so I had to cut it into bite-size pieces to eat my part of it huge. Like my mouth isn't big enough to wrap around this sub even if I coul lift it huge. (And yes, I do have a very large mouth, so this is saying something.)
Anyway, after lunch we left for the drive home. As you probably know, Pensacola got hammered by a hurricane close to two years ago. Between road construction they were already doing when Ivan hit, and then re-construction they've had to do post-Ivan, there were very few roads we traveled in and around the area that weren't under construction. As such, there were tons of those electronic signs all over the place, too. You know the ones - they flash messages like "SLOW - LANES SHIFT AHEAD," etc. etc. Well, traveling northbound on I-110, we found a new one. It confused the heck out of Mr. Honey: "MOBILE LEFT LANES"
He glanced over at me with the most precious confused look on his face and says, "What the hell are mobile left lanes? This could get interesting."
Now, as he's the keenly observant one in our relationship, I was sure he was making a funny. But when I realized he was serious, I was absolutely flabbergasted. I'd seen the sign, too, except I'd read between the lines (noted in parentheses): "(TO GET TO) MOBILE (ALABAMA, STAY IN) LEFT LANES"
After I'd finished laughing so hard I nearly wet my pants while Mr. Honey wallowed in self-deprecation for a bit, he says, "You're gonna blog about this, aren't you? I mean, you have to. It's too funny not to." And so there you go. One of many highlights of our weekend trip. :) Hope yours were just as fun.
Posted by Honey :: 11:07 AM :: 3 Comments: ![]()